Friday, December 30, 2011

Darn-it, I Broke A Nail!

I had to haul some stuff out to the farm today and took Rowdy with me.  While I was unloading the trailer, I let him run around off the leash.  I wasn't worried because this was his home before I got him, so he was in familiar territory and I wasn't concerned that he would run off. 

When it was time to leave, I noticed he was limping and thought it was on his hind leg.  After he got in the car I noticed why he was limping, he had broken one of his claws on his left front foot and it was hanging sideways.  When we got home I clipped it back a little, but he put up a fuss and yelped a lot so I will have to wait until it grows out some more before I can clip the bad part completely off.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our First Christmas

Well' I've had Rowdy for almost a year now, as I initially got him on January 1st., so this is the first Christmas we actually spent together, even though I'd seen him and petted him last Xmas.  Boy did he have a good time.  We first celebrated at Sarah's home, so he got to play and play and play with his buddies Wrigley and Niely.  He got some nice gifts in his Xmas stocking that Sarah's daughter Katrina make for him.  He got some chew bone treats, some pup-peroni treats, a couple of rope toys, a tennis ball and some other treats.  Then Sarah and I took him and Wrigley to my folks home where they played some more and got to greet a lot of my family.  By days end they were a couple of pooped pups!

Here he is with his Xmas stash!  I had a hard time getting him to pose for this picture.  He wanted to get down and play with Wrigley and Niely.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Little Houdini

I took Rowdy to an auction with me the other day.  He did fine greeting the other bidders and enjoyed walking around the grounds.  I usually just use his collar and a leash when I take him out to do his business, but when I take him someplace where he is on his leash for a while, I will use his harness so he doesn't pull hard and choke himself.  Well today I had his harness on and I was leading him around while looking at the merchandise to be auctioned.

I came across a few used chain saws that I was interested in.  One of them in particular looked like it might be good and I wanted to see if it would run, so I put the leash down on the ground and stood on it so Rowdy wouldn't take off when I attempted to start the saw.  I got it running to check it out and then shut it off, then somebody hollered at me, "Your dog took off!"  I looked down and found the harness empty and Rowdy gone.  He was about fifty feet away, sitting over by a building where he must of thought it was safe.  I don't know how the LS got out of his harness as I didn't even feel him tugging on the leash under my foot, so he must be a reincarnation of Houdini!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In Trouble Today!

This morning I caught Rowdy rolling in a dead animal in the yard.  It was a mole that I killed with a trap and he must have dug him up out of the ground.  Well, I didn't want to take him to work with that stink on him and his fur, so he ended up staying at home in the yard by himself all day.  He got a bath just as soon as I got home so he's clean now.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Always Jealous

When Rowdy and Wrigley are together, they always compete for your affections.  The other day, Sarah had Wrigley on her lap sitting beside me and Rowdy was sitting on the floor in front of me.  I would pet Rowdy three times and then pet Wrigley three times.  Each time I petted Wrigley, Rowdy would start whining as he wanted all the attention.  I did this about eight or ten times and each time I started petting Wrigley, Rowdy whined.  You almost had to be there to appreciate the humor, as Rowdy is so cute when he is Jealous!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ruffled Hair

Dealing with all the troubles of my business and everything, I haven't been posting anything on here in a while.  Several things have happened regarding Rowdy since then, so I will try to remember them and post them.

Yesterday, one of my customers came in the shop and we talked for a while.  Rowdy, stuck on top of the counter, was whining his barks and wagging his tail wanting to greet him and get petted.  The noise was so annoying that I had to grab him by the snout to shut him up.  When the guy left I had followed him out, still talking to him and after he left, I came back into the shop.  I disguised my voice and pulled my shirt up over my head and proceeded to approach Rowdy barely looking out of my shirt, walking sideways, looking like the hunchback of Noter Dame and saying in a low voice something like, "Is that a doggie!"

He let out a low concerned 'wolf' at me a couple of times and when I got up close to him I dropped my shirt and discovered a wide strip of his hair was standing straight up on his back and he had peed all over his carpet pad.  I was surprised at his response and got so tickled over the fact that I fooled him.  I normally would have probably been mad at him for peeing all over his carpet and rubbed his nose in it, but since I caused the event, I just took the carped pad outside and hosed it off, laughing all the time!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ignoring The Bang

This last holiday weekend was the trip down to Sarah's, which put all three dogs together to play and rough-house.  We decided to take Rowdy and Wrigley with us to the local towns fireworks show.  I thought Rowdy would get scared and go nuts over the noise, as he has ran and hid at loud cracking or popping noises, but other that looking at the bursts and a little short time concern at the bangs, he just laid on the ground and either watched for a few moments or ignored them.  Wrigley on the other hand, sat on Sarah's lap for a while and watched them in fascination.  When Rowdy was focusing on the fireworks, I sat there and wondered what he was thinking about while he watched the display.  OOOooooo and AAAHHH, maybe?

Rowdy got more concerned over the noises after we got home, when the locals were shooting off their fireworks in the neighborhood.  Inside the house, he would jump up and run to look every time there was a bang outside.  I finally took him outside and sat in a chair to watch and Rowdy stuck close to my side.  I finally picked him up and held him in my lap on his back and rubbed his chest and tummy.  The fireworks didn't bother him anymore then!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gnawing and Falling

Rowdy was so busy gnawing at a flea, that he wasn't paying attention and his butt slid off the counter quickly followed by the rest of him.  Since he fell on the lobby side of the counter and although I didn't hear him yelp, I went up to see if he was alright.  He was just sitting on the floor looking up at me, with his ears perked up and a WTF look on his face!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Two's Company, Three's a Mad House!

Now that Sarah's got the puppy Wrigley, along with their other dog Niely, and then you throw in Rowdy into the mix and it's a doggie free-for-all!  Poor Rowdy got worked to death, playing with both of the other dogs.  He and Niely would go at it until Niely got tired then Wrigley jumps in to continue the action. 

When Niely and Rowdy go at it, it kind of scares little Wrigley and he stands back until things calm down.  Then when Wrigley and Rowdy go at it, Niely gets miffed and gets standoffish. 

Rowdy had one of Wrigley's little twist bones sticking out of his mouth, that made him look like he was smoking a cigar.  Wrigley would run up and grab the other end and tug and pull on it while he growled at Rowdy.  Rowdy just hung on to it while Wrigley tried his best go get it away from him.  Little Wrigley thinks he's a much bigger dog that he really is!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Microchip And New Playmate

We took Rowdy to the Vet this Saturday and had a ID microchip inserted in his back, just in case he gets lost.  I still have to fill out the information after I receive the info from the Vet's office this coming Tuesday.  I also had him give Rowdy his kennel shot just in case I have to have him boarded when we go on a trip.

Sarah's daughter got her a new puppy this last week and she brought him up for a visit.  Wrigley, (what she named him) is just as cute as all-get-out and after some testy introductions, he got along well with Rowdy.  They played a lot together most of the weekend and wore each other out.  On Saturday after the Vet we took them to Joplin to PetSmart and got Wrigley a harness and Rowdy some snacks.  Then we drove through the tornado damage.  Wow, what a mess!  With all that damage, it was amazing that there weren't a lot more people killed.
Introducing Wrigley!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Just Getting Some Air

With favorable outdoor temperatures now, I have sometimes been driving with the windows rolled down.  It didn't take long for Rowdy to start sticking his head out the window while we are going down the road.  With his nose in the air, he likes to take in all the scents as we go.  The only problem is the wind blowing in his ear bothers him and he doesn't stay out very long. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Leapin' Lizzard!

Though Rowdy enjoys his time up on the counter at the shop, when it's late in the afternoon and about time to go home, he's ready to get off the counter and get out of there.  Whenever he wants up on the counter, he will leap as I lift him up there.  But lately, when I go to pick him up to set him back down on the floor, he's been practically leaping into my arms, jumping off the counter.  The first time he did it I wasn't expecting it and I almost dropped him.  Now I'm ready for him and though he doesn't do it every day, I still get a bit of a chuckle whenever he does leap into my arms!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Little Spastic

I guess with all the thunderstorms that have been going on the last week or so, Rowdy hasn't been getting any exercise.  The last two days when I take him for his walk at noon, he runs to the end of the leash and then back instead of just walking along.  Every time he does that, he chokes himself when he gets to the end of the leash.  I'll be glad when we get better weather!  So will Rowdy!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Funny Just Being Himself

Friday afternoon, I was getting ready to go down to see Sarah, so I said to Rowdy that we were going to see his buddy Niely.  While I was shaving, I turned to look at him and he was laying down with his head on his paws and staring up at me, but his hind legs were still standing.  The front of his body was laying down, while the rear was still up in the air!  He just stayed like that for several minutes not moving or even wagging his tail, which was sticking up in the air also and continued to do so, while I was shaving and until I finished brushing my teeth.  I really wanted to snap a picture of him lying that way, but before I could even think of getting the camera, he moved.  I still got a good laugh anyway! 

He got to go visit his buddy this weekend though and he played up a storm with him.  Niely was so excited when we arrived that he was going berserk at the front door, even before we got out of the car.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

All Riled Up!

This morning when I let Rowdy outside, there was a telephone repair man in the yard marking the phone line so I wouldn't damage it when I was digging in the yard.  Rowdy usually runs up to people to greet them and hopefully get petted, as well as greeting everyone that comes in my shop.  Well something about this guy in 'Rowdy's yard' that was unsettling to him and his hair got ruffled up and he started barking at him.  He ran around on the deck, barking at the guy and and peeing all over the place.  Then he came back over to me and set down and shook while growling and barking.  The way he was acting made me sort of laugh on the inside, while I was trying to talk to the service man.  I never thought so, but he might make a good watch dog, at least to strangers coming to my home!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Beedee Eyed

Something strange that I noticed recently is the way the pupils in Rowdy's eyes dilate when I move close up to him.  I noticed this when I was peering around the corner at him from a distance and he was staring back at me.  He looked like he had little beady eyes, until I moved up close to him and the pupils grew large.  I moved away and then back up close and noticed the change every time.  I thought that maybe my presence created a shadow that blocked some of the light which made them enlarge, so I move around to the other side with my back against the light and moved up on him without creating much of a shadow.  Though not quite as much, his pupils still enlarged upon my moving closer to him.  I found that to be quite peculiar, even though Rowdy is a little peculiar to start with!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sad Doggie

Poor Rowdy, I took him with me on a three hour trip and met up with Sarah.  We went to dinner together so I left Rowdy in the car with the window cracked about three inches open.  A storm came up and the wind blew some rain into the car and on Rowdy.  When I got to the car, he was a bit on the wet side and non too happy.  I couldn't help but laugh at him because he looked like a teary eyed little boy with his lower lip sticking way out.  If he could talk I bet he would say 'Why'd you weave me here to gets all wet!'  We had to come back one third of the way home before he returned to somewhat normal.  He spend most of the drive back lying in the seat curled up.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Playing With The Customers

Today a lady came in the shop with a little boy who was probably around 8 years old.  While she and I were talking about her potential repair, he was playing with Rowdy while he was still up on the counter.  He had Rowdy jumping up and down on the counter bantering with him.  I finally had to put Rowdy down on the floor behind the counter, as he was creating too much of a distraction.  It was funny to watch though!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Poop-ed Pup-ed

Rowdy had a busy weekend this week.  First he got to go down and visit Niely again.  When we arived, he started whining when he recognized the house, and after I said enthusiastically, "We're here!" he jumped up and down on the seat making short noises that reminded me of a chimpanzee, jumping up and down making that ou, ou, ou noise. 

After a day and a couple of nights with Niely, we left and went up to the farm, where he originally came into our lives as a stray, and we visited with my parents.  I made a Mothers Day card from him with his paw print on the inside to give to my mother.  She got a big kick out of it too.  After spending the afternoon there, we finally returned home at about 5PM.  He spent most of the rest of the evening sacked out on his pillow bed.  The poor pooped pup!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bath Night

Thursday night is always bath night for Rowdy and tonight was no different.  Usually I talk to him in a pleasant tone of voice constantly as I'm bathing him.  Tonight I did something different.  As I've said in a previous posting, before I took Rowdy to be my dog, my parents had him as he was a stray that showed up on their farm.  I used to call him my 'hot dog' whenever I went over to visit.  Well on the radio on the comedy channel, I heard this song that I had stuck in my head, about what ingredients are in a hot dog.

The chorus line in the song says, What's in my hot dog? What's in my hot dog? What's in my hot dog?  I'd really like to know!  So that's what I was singing to Rowdy while he was getting his bath tonight.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Same Ole-Same Ole

Not much exciting has been happening with Rowdy.  Though he sometimes has a way with looking at you that makes you burst out with laughter.  I've been trying to get a few pics of him when he looks like that, but he moves away too quickly.

He got his flea and tick treatment today.  I'm trying a different product called Bio-Spot.  We'll see how it works.

Sarah and I went to the Fur Ball last night.  It was for support of the local humane society.  I wanted to take my little 'fur ball' to the ball, but no animals were allowed so I took a picture of him instead.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I took Rowdy to a dog groomer today to get his nails clipped.  I was expecting him to be his cheerful self like he usually is around everybody, but this time he seemed scared and shook until it was over and they put him down on the floor.  They also expressed his anal gland which should help stop him from dragging his butt on the floor.  They told me that big dogs can do this for themselves by dragging their butts, but little dogs don't seem to have enough weight behind them to accomplish the task. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Returned Home

Well we made it home without a hitch, that is no yaking!  It was rainy and nasty all day and Rowdy didn't want to go outside to do his business, but he knew he had to.  After opening the door for him numerous times he finally went out in the rain.  When he came in, I had to towel him off before letting him run around the house. 

This morning while on the way to work, for some reason or another, he laid on the seat on his side and whined like he was injured.  He was holding his tail straight and stiff and shook and whined.  When we got to the shop, I carried him in and put him down on the floor.  Other than fleaing himself around his butt and on his tail, he acted alright the rest of the day.   Maybe a flea was biting him hard on his tail!  I got some more flea and tick medicine for him this weekend and will treat him sometime this week.

He has occasionally been dragging his butt on the floor and did it this morning just before we left.  I haven't noticed any worms but he could have them, or I was told he could be constipated and will need his anal gland expressed.  I've never heard of that before, but I'm going to look into it.  They say a groomer can do that for me (or I should say him, as no groomer is getting near my ass) and he needs his toenails trimmed anyway!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Got To Visit Niely

We made the trek down to visit Sarah and Niely this weekend.  No yaking on the way down to deal with this time, but we still got to go home tomorrow.  When we arrived Rowdy was standing up on the seat and when he kinda recognized the house, I excitedly said, "We're here, we're here!"  He got so excited that he jumped up and down in the seat, whining and got on top of me on my lap, wanting to get out the door.  After I stopped and opened the door, I didn't even have a chance to get out first to let him out easy.  He just jumped out from off my lap onto the driveway.  That was a high drop 3 to 4 feet, but it didn't seem to hurt him.  Maybe he was just too excited to be here. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In Trouble Again

I was none too happy with Rowdy tonight.  I had to give him his weekly bath a day early, because he was rolling around in some piece of dead animal.  I could not identify what it was he was rolling in, as there were no legs, head or tail but it may have been either a rat or mole.  I'm not even sure how it got into the yard for him to roll in it.  He may have caught it himself. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Like A Shot

Well, there was nothing to report this last week, as it was just a regular mundane week, to work and home with Rowdy tagging along.  This weekend the weather was really nice out, so I left him outside all day during the daytime.  On Saturday, when I went outside to do some chores, Rowdy wanted to play so I chased him around the yard.  He was having a blast tearing round and round the yard, passing by me like a shot as I would reach out in vein to try to grab him while saying, "I'm gonna getcha!"  In the evenings, he was a pooped pup as he just laid all evening, curled up on his bed.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Went To See Niely Again

This last weekend Rowdy and I went down to see Sarah and Niely.  On the way down Rowdy gave me the indication that he had to yak, so I pulled off on a side road and pushed him out the door.  I then got out and held him till he expelled and then it was back in the car and down the road again.  I thought he would finally get used to riding and not get ill, but he seems to yak about every forth time we make an hour long trip. 

Rowdy and Niely had a good time and this was the first time Sarah and I took both of them for a walk together down to the end of the culdesac and back.  They did fine walking together, but Niely stopped frequently to investigate things and check his Pee-mail.  Rowdy likes to move on and only stops here and there to investigate.  We all need the exercise, so while the weather is nice, we may do this more often.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

He's Bird-doggin' Me

Rowdy sometimes will follow me around bumping me on the back of the leg.  I call it bird-dogging and I'll tell him, "Your bird-doggin' me!" 

Well, he was bird-dogging me in the house when I got up to go to the kitchen.  I took a couple of steps across the wood laminate floor with him on my heels and then I turned around and hollered, "I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha!"  With his paws slipping on the floor, he started run backwards then sideways, till he got turned around running forward away from me and doing this all in one place.  It was so funny watching him do that and if he had been on a 15 foot carpet runner, he would have balled the whole thing up at my feet before he got moving away! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Chase Is On

The last couple of weeks I have been letting Rowdy go from the house to the car and car to the shop and back again, without using a leash.  For the most part he has been doing pretty good at staying with me and going where I go.  Well today, as we were getting ready to leave the shop, the L.S. took off around to the back of the shop instead of getting in the car.  I took off after him and when he saw me he took off running, thinking we were just playing.  Well I wasn't and I was also afraid he would run across the busy street and get run over.  I hollered at him and he came back close to me, but still wanted to play.  I just commanded him to come to me, which he did but cowed down when I caught him.  I was mad enough to spank his little behind, but couldn't because I didn't want him to start running away when called for fear of being punished, so I just grabbed him up and carried him to the car!

This shows you that,for anyone who is training their dog, to never call them to you to punish them!  Always go to them to scold them or give them punishment for doing something wrong.  If you call them to you to punish them, they will learn that being called will result in punishment and will never come to you anymore!  I will call Rowdy to me in many different tones of voice from pleasant to angry, but I always pet him when he comes to me!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bet I Can Out Stare You

I ain't never met a dog that could out stare me until Rowdy.  The problem is that he looks so funny when he stares at you that you can't help but break down and laugh.  If you stare at him, he won't move a muscle or even blink.  He'll wait forever for you to make a move or give him a command before he'll even twitch.

One of the things he likes to do is lay under my chair and prop his head on the chair rung.  Then he'll stare at me if I'm moving around, while he's trying to decide whether to join me or just lay there.  I took a couple of photos of him staring at me and then I tried to stare him down, but he won again!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Using Rowdy For Bait

Last week on the local news there was a five foot long alligator spotted in a local Oklahoma river.  So we used Rowdy as bait to catch him, by putting his harness on, clipping on the leash and then went trolling for alligators. ......NOT!   April Fools!

The alligator story is true though.  Below is a picture of the alligator from Tulsa's News On 6 website.  It was spotted on a creek near Watts, OK up in the northeast corner of the state.

Actually, we did use him for bait, but to catch another dog.  There was a stray dog that was hanging around my shop, that looked like she was part Afghan or Greyhound.  The poor thing was half starved to death and Sherry, who owns a auto repair shop across the street with her husband, had been trying all week to catch her so she could take her to the Humane Society.  Sherry didn't want the city to pick her up because if no one claimed her, they would put her to death in seven days.

When I took Rowdy out for a walk, the stray would come up close to him and almost followed us back into the shop.  So later that day we used him as bait and lured her into the shop to catch her.  She is now with the Humane Society and they will bring her back to health and find her a good home!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Or Maybe He Can Fly

Today I was sitting in a chair beside the counter and Rowdy got up on his hind legs with his paws on my leg, like he was begging for something.  I was teasing him a little when I patted the counter and said to him, "Want up here?  Do ya?  Huh?  Do ya want up here?"  Without hesitation, he decided to jump up there on his own without assistance from me, by jumping up on my lap and then right up onto the counter.  Guess he thought I was too slow in assisting him and it was ok for him to use my lap as a step up as he shot up there like a flash!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

He Can't Fly

Today while I was unlocking the front door of the shop after lunch, Rowdy was up on the counter and saw that stray dog, that's been hanging around the area, just outside the door.  With me by the door he got all excited and started barking again and then jumped down from the counter and ran up beside me to the door to bark some more.

I'm surprised that he didn't hurt himself as the counter is quite high for this little short-legged dog.  He's quite fearless when he wants to be!

Monday, March 28, 2011

It Barks!

Rowdy seldom ever barks at noises or other people, but does bark at other dogs when playing with them, so it is unusual for him to bark when he is not playing with them. 

Well today, while I was working in the shop and he was laying up on the counter, all the sudden he sat up and started barking, looking at the front glass door, then out the picture window.  I looked out to see what he was barking at and found it was a stray dog.  Of course I had to instigate a little extra barking by saying, "Get him, Rowdy.  Get him!"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good Doggie!

It's been a pain having to use the leash every time we go outside, where it is not fenced.  I have to be careful living and working so close to a main highway as he could easily get away and run over.

Today being Sunday and limited traffic I tested him without a leash.  I needed to go to the shop for a few hours to get caught up on some clean-up and paperwork, so I took him with me and didn't use the leash.  He headed out the front door and went past the car, so I hollered at him and he came right back and jumped into the car after I opened the door.  At the shop, he got out and followed me to the door and inside and did the same in reverse when we left.  When we got home he got out of the car and followed me to the front door of the house and right inside.

Good Doggie!  He got an extra treat!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Excited to Arrive

This is our weekend to go visit Sarah and Niely and it's almost an hours drive one way.  Rowdy sat up a lot more this trip, looking out the windows of the car.  Sometimes in the past this would signal that it's time to puke, but this time he was just taking in the scenery.  Most of the time he sleeps on the seat while riding, so it was unusual for him to be up so much.

Well, he was sitting up when I turned on to the street where they live and he apparently recognized their house and started jumping up and down on the seat while whining his excitement at arriving there.  He has never done that before and I wouldn't think he could recognize their house or even where we were, especially since he's only been there a few times.  My guess is that he has an extremely strong sense of smell and could smell Niely's scent from their yard.

He about climed all over me to get out of the car so he could go into the house and greet everyone.  Crazy dog!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bath Night

I got one of those shower heads that have the hose which has made a lot easier to give Rowdy his bath.  Now I can bring it down to him, to soak him and rinse him off.  It's even great to rinse out the tub when I'm done!

I didn't include it in my nickname post and only touched on it in an early post, but when I'm giving him his bath, I call him Dog-ule-son.  I got this from the movie The Karate Kid where Daniel, (played by Ralph Macchio) was called Daniel-son by Mr. Miyagi (played by Pat Morita).  Then there was the scene where they were out in the middle of a large pond on a row boat and Daniel was practicing his karate moves while trying to balance standing up on the boat.  Then Mr. Miyagi rocked the boat, dumping Daniel into the pond and laughed while saying, "Ah Daniel-son, you all wet-a behind ear!"  So while Rowdy is all wet behind the ears, that's what I say to him, calling him Dogule-son!

Speaking of Ralph Macchio, as many of you may know, he is one of the new contestant dancers on Dancing With The Stars.  I also have a blog where I post my opinions and the judges scores and welcome any input from anyone who wants to comment!  You can find that blog here;

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yip Yip Yip

Yesterday evening, I went to my brothers house to celebrate my fathers 95th birthday and have dinner.  Well, I left Rowdy at home in the back yard, as it was nice out and he could run around and get some exercise.  I was gone for about four hours and when I got home, he was waiting at the fence for me.  I got out of the car and said, "There's my doggy!"  He turned and ran behind the house to the back door and Yipped.  Then he ran back to the fence where he could see me and I said again "There's my doggy!"  He ran back to the back door and yipped again.  Then back to the fence where I said 'there's my doggy' again and then back to the back door to yip yip yip again!  I finally got in the house and went to the back door opening it up where he jumped up and down and up against the outer door and yip yip yipped his greeting to me finally getting home.  He was awful glad to see me!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

You Dig?

Rowdy the L.S., when left alone in the yard while we are gone, has started to dig up the ground.  He's only digging where moles have their trails because he smells them, but it's tearing up the yard just the same.  He's gonna be in big trouble if I catch him at it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Lookout Perch

While at the shop, I started putting Rowdy up on the counter on a carpet pad.  He has got to where he really likes it up there and when he's lying on the floor away from the counter and I pat the counter and say, "Want up here?", he runs over to me and tries to help himself up by leaping when I lift him up and put him up there.  The advantage of being on the counter allows him to look out the windows and see what's going on in the world, along with greeting the customers.  The disadvantage is that he wants to lick them all in the face, if they give him lots of attention.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gone Berserk

Skitzoid was going berserk today at the shop.  He was chasing his tail again, going round and round six or seven times then instantly changing directions and going again.  He did that several times today!  He must have the heebee-jeebees again!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I gotta yak

This past weekend we went down to visit Sarah, and Rowdy got to play and visit with his friend Niely.  This time on the way down, Rowdy puked in the truck.  At least most of it went on the towels he was setting on, but I was none too happy at him at that moment.  I noticed his distress before he erupted, but on the two lane road we were traveling down, I had no place to pull off before he blew. 

I pulled off at the first available place and rearranged the towels and then headed on down the road.  As we were traveling Rowdy looked over at me as to say, "When I say I gotta yak, it doesn't mean I have a farm animal from Tibet!"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I counted 15

While in the shop today I heard a commotion, turned to look and saw Skitzoid chasing his tail.  I started counting as he made 15 revolutions before stopping.  He paused for a couple of seconds like he was thinking about how to catch it, then he turned and started going the other way.  He caught it in one revolution and gnawed on it for a bit before laying back down.  Crazy dog!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Instigator's at it again!

When we get home from work, Rowdy always heads for the back door to go into the yard to do his business.  Well, today when I let him out, he made a bee line for the neighbors fence and at their two dogs.  They tend to go nuts when he gets close to them and he was just taunting them by running up and down the fence at them.  He'd run at them and then turn around and run around in circles in front of them.  Then he'd take off and run a large circle around a storage building and around the yard and then back at the other dogs.  I swear that if he could talk he'd be going "Yippeee, ha, ha, ha, ha, yippee, he, he, he, he!" while he's tearing across the yard! 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Chase Is On!

At the shop, Rowdy would sometimes follow me around back and forth while I was working and he would bump against my ankles almost tripping me.  After a month or so of doing this, I started running around a shelving unit just for the heck of it and he would chase me, keeping up right on my heels.

One time a couple of weeks ago, I suddenly stopped and turned around, hollering "I'm gonna get you!"  Well he spun around in his tracks and took off running in the other direction.  Then I started chasing him a little bit.  Now that's turned into a play time game, chasing him all around the shop. 

I've got a maze of shelving units with narrow passages between them and he darts through them like a shot.  He'll run to one end of the isle and stop until I poke around the other end and say 'Getcha, getcha, getcha!"  Then he'll run to the next isle and I 'll cut him off there.  Then he'll run and cross over to the other side and I'll chase him over there.  Every time I catch up to him I'll say "Getcha, getcha, getcha!" and he'll take off and go the other direction.

He's so funny when he runs around in the shop.  When I spot him, he's looking at me with wide eyes and his ears are perked up, as if to say 'catch me if you can'.  Then when I leap towards him and he takes off running with his feed slipping on the floor until he gets some momentum.   He kinda leaps when he's running, his ears flop up and down and his little butt almost scoots sideways under him like he was trying to avoid getting spanked.  What a funny little character he is!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm Innocent

Rowdy was laying on his new bed curled up, but his eyes were open staring upward at me.  So I got down on the floor and put my face about six inches from his and stared back at him.  He kept staring at me until he couldn't stand it any longer and then lifted his head and licked me in the face. It was sort of like he was saying, I'm innocent daddy, I didn't do it, It's not my fault!  He's soooo cute when he thinks he's in trouble!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Bed and Dish

Rowdy got to visit his friend Niely again this weekend.  They had a lot of fun playing together and I had to give him another nickname as the 'Instigator'.  If Niely isn't playing with him, he will go up and jump up batting him in the face and getting him riled up until he chases him.

I got him a new dog bed this weekend at Tractor Supply for only eight bucks.
I had to lay him on it several times, but he quickly got the hang of it and spent most of the evening sacked out on it.  With Sarah's help we also got him an new double dog dish for his food and water.  I am constantly having to move his bowls inside and out and I think this will make it easier to move both of them at once instead of making two trips.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The L.S.

Yesterday the L.S. (that's 'little shit') almost managed to get out the door of my shop twice.  This is bad because there is too much traffic around my shop on three sides, so the possibilities of him getting run over are quite high.

The first time he almost got past me is when I opened up the garage door to use my air compressor to blow out an extremely dusty component.  No sooner had I opened the door that he shot out from behind the truck and was heading out the door.  He was there a lot quicker than I thought he would be, but I was watching for him and caught him before he got away.  I then took his leash and connected it and him to my workbench until I was done and shut the door.

The second time is when a customer came into the shop and wanted me to hear what his starter sounded like on his truck.  I shut the little counter door which has a magnetic latch and left the front door propped open so I could hear the phone.  While out by the customers truck, the L.S. managed to push open the counter door and headed out the front door.  I ran back and caught him again just in time and held him in my arms until the customer left.  That shifty L. S.!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Walks and Hello's

With all the snow we had and other distractions, Rowdy had not been getting his daily walks.  Sarah took him for a walk in the park beside my shop yesterday and today I took him for his usual walk through the neighborhood.  Though cool out, it was a really nice day and a lot of people were outside this afternoon.  Rowdy had to stop and say hello to everyone.  He's getting well known as several people, mostly kids called him by name.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Poor Doggie Left Alone

Both days this weekend, poor Rowdy was left all alone, outside in the back yard.  Saturday he was left out there from 11AM to 9PM.  When we got back, he was so happy to see us that he whined and jumped up and down, twisting and twitching like he was getting an electric shock treatment.  Sunday he was only left out in the afternoon, but he was still happy to see us.  At least the weather was nice and warm both days, so I didn't feel bad about leaving him out.  He was of course an outdoor dog when I originally got him, so he was used to being outside, but he's spoiled now!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


The little butt snuck past me and out the door of the shop today.  Lucky he wasn't run over, as we found him running around the local convenience mart next door, in the middle of the street.  I had the garage door open for a few minutes to sweep the floor and I was watching for him, but he must have been under the truck and when I was looking the other way, slipped out behind me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Undivided Attention

I got tickled at Rowdy today!  I listen to a comedy radio show and on the way home from work today, the comedian was making a bunch of funny noises.  Rowdy was sitting in the seat, looking at the dash with his ears perked up, looking like the RCA dog, turning his head at each different noise.

Later at home, I was eating some cookies!  Rowdy was looking at me, so I raised my hand way up over my head.  He looked up at it and I slowly moved it to the right and then to the left.  With his ears perked up again, he followed it with his eyes and head as I moved it back and forth, never taking his eyes off of it.  Then I moved it around in a circle and his eyes followed it around!  Watching him, I couldn't help but laugh!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Home Again

Poor Rowdy!  After all the excitement of being with his friend Niely and everyone else this weekend, he acted depressed when we got home.  He did get a walk around the neighborhood today, the first in almost two weeks because of all the snow and we played tug-of-war with his rope toy, so that sparked him up a bit.  The rest of the evening he just sacked out! 

Also, I gave him his flea and tic treatment today after about a month and a half.  You're supposed to treat them once every month, but he hasn't had any problems with the fleas, so I put it off a bit!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Too Cold

It was 11 below this morning when I got up and I put Rowdy out to do his business.  He quickly finished and was ready to come back indoors.  What was so funny was, usually when I get ready to leave for work, he's at the front door and ready to go too.  Today when I headed to the door, he ran back into the den and turned around and just looked at me.  It was like he was saying 'It's too cold for my little ass out there!'

When I did leave, I couldn't take him with me anyway, so I locked him into his cage to keep him out of trouble.  When I came back a couple of hours later and got ready to leave again, he was at the front door ready to go.  Guess he didn't like being left alone worse than he did being out in the cold!  Of course it had warmed up a good 20 or so degrees by then too!

Skitzoid got his bath tonight!  Every time I dry him off and let him go, he acts like he's got the heebee jeebee's!  I'm taking him down to see his buddy Niely tomorrow.  I'm sure he will have a good time!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Depending on Rowdy's looks or behavior, I've come up with some nicknames for him at the appropriate times.

It all started when I first met him.  Since he was a stray that showed up at my folk's farm and he first looked like he was part dachshund or weenie dog, I would call him 'Hotdog!'  This went on for the five or so months, before I took him home with me and I only occasionally call him that now.

Next came 'Inch-dog!'  This was because, when I was sitting on the couch, he'd try to worm his way up on my lap by moving an inch at a time, each time I quit petting him.  This has metamorphed into 'Couch Otter' as the way he moves his neck and head, he looks like an otter moving back and forth.

Then I started calling him 'Skitzoid!' (from the word, schizophrenic) whenever he chases his tail, or tears through the house like his butt is on fire, or acts crazy after a bath.

When he gets up after a nap and stretches his body out, sometimes I'll call him 'Stretch!'

And of course, 'Little Shit' comes to mind when he's been bad or getting on my nerves!!!  I think a lot of people refer to their pets with this name, when they're not behaving.  I remember years ago when I lived in an apartment in Tulsa and my neighbor had a cat that got out.  He was standing at the top of the steps yelling, "Get, get back here!  You little shit!"

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow As High As A Dog!

We got a record snowfall this Tuesday of over 14 inches.  I had to dig a walkway to my shed so I could get my tractor out to clean the driveway and street so I could make it out.  Rowdy spent most of the time in the house and when I let him out to do his business, he'd duck under the deck.  He tried to go out into the snow but with every leap, he'd disappear until he'd leap again.  After I dug the trench, he would run up and down the trench for exercise or just playing around.  As you can see, he was almost dwarfed by the snow!
This afternoon, when I was shoveling some more of that damn white crap, Rowdy ventured out in it and leaped around the yard.  The snow was a little harder now and he didn't sink into it as much.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nap Time

A special thanks to Katrina for sending me this photo of Niely and Rowdy, snoozing on their pillow.  It was taken with her camera phone when we were visiting this last weekend.  It was so cute that I had to post it!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Visiting His Buddy

Rowdy got to see and play with his buddy Niely again this weekend.  After taking care of their sniff butt greetings, they got right into their play time.  Though they have lots of room to play outside, they play indoors too.  It was so funny to watch when we were laying on the bed, we couldn't see the dogs on the floor, but Rowdy's head would pop up and down as he was jumping up at Niely at the foot of the bed.

Below are the killer attack dogs!

When Rowdy jumps up, it looks like he's boxing an opponent!

Niely's getting worn out, but Rowdy still want's to play!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tail Chaser

Over the last couple of weeks, every once and a while Rowdy will all of the sudden jump up and chase his tail.  It's sort of like a flea has sunk his teeth into it, stinging him into action.  Usually, he will make four or five rounds before he stops or catches his tail.  I have counted up to 20 revolutions of him spinning around and it surprises me that he isn't dizzy when he stops.   Sometimes I think the dog is nuts!   

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Well the little butt has been getting himself in trouble the last couple of days.  First he pulled one of his bedding towels out of his cage and started chewing a big hole in the middle of it.  He did that twice!  Next I caught him with a Combat roach trap chewing on it.  At least I caught that before he got to the poison and threw it in the trash.  Then at the shop, when I was helping a customer, he snuck back to the back of the shop and got the mouse trap I had set back there.  He had tripped it, so I don't know if it bit him or not, but he had brought it back up to the front where his carpet pad is.  I reset it, put it back where it was and covered it with a snow shovel, so maybe he'll stay out of it.  He got yelled at each time, which made him run off to some corner and hang his little head down with a little 'I didn't mean to do it' look on his face! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Little Puke

Saturday I had to take an hour trip away from home and took Rowdy with me.  He's been ok riding in the car most of the time, but today after about 30 minutes down the road, he stood up in the seat, started heaving and puked in the seat again.  Luckily I've been keeping a towel on the seat where he rides, so he just puked on the towel.  I stopped the car and changed the towel out and then proceeded with our trip (I carry extras!)  I'm not sure why he does this occasionally, but the only common denominator seems to be that he's chewed and swallowed some of his rawhide bone, as chunks of this bone are in the puke.  Maybe it irritates his stomach and the car ride stirs things up.  Next time I'm taking him on a long ride I'll see if I can keep him from chewing on the rawhide before we go.

Most of the time while riding in the car, he likes to doze off in the seat!  I shot this pic while we were traveling down the highway!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day

We got about three inches of snow last night, so Rowdy was faced with a different kind of ground to do his business on. He was a little reluctant to go out this morning but went anyway. After about 15 minutes I looked out and he was darting across the yard in the snow acting like he was chasing something and having fun. I took these pictures of him this afternoon when I let him out again. He was again acting like he did this morning and acting like his nutty self!.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hanging By A Thread

Or I should say, hanging by a rope. When I was playing with Rowdy tonight, I was throwing his rope toy down the hall and he would chase it and bring it back. Then I would grab it as he tried to run by me and he would pull tug and growl, while I pulled tugged and growled back.

I had a hard time getting him to turn loose of the rope toy, to throw it back down the hall, so I pulled up on the rope thinking he would let go when he was being lifted off the floor. To my surprise, he just hung on and I lifted him off the floor. I did that several times when I knew he had a good bite on it, but I got to laughing so hard at him that I couldn't keep him hanging!

I'll have to figure out how to take some pictures of this and post them!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Left In The Rain

I had to leave town for several hours, so I left Rowdy outside in the yard with hid food, water and cage (pet carrier) for him to lay down in while I was gone. I had no idea it was supposed to rain until much later, but I was wrong. It didn't rain much but poor Rowdy was a little wet when I got home. To make matters worse, the little butt pulled the towels (used as his bedding) out of his cage and strung them out in the yard to get them dirty and wet, so I had a bit of a mess to clean up and a load of towels to wash when I got home.

When I let Rowdy in and was toweling him off I said in my best Pat Morita oriental accent, "Ah, Dog-ule-son, You all wet-a-behind ear"! He was certainly happy to see me and get back in the house!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Road Trip

This weekend I took Rowdy with me to Sarah's house. She lives about an hour away and he rode just fine all the way down and back. He snoozed most of the time in the car seat, only occasionally waking up during sharp turns or stops.

It was going to be interesting introducing him to their dog Niely. I knew Rowdy wouldn't be a problem, as he's friendly to everyone and everything, but I thought Niely might be territorial and want to attack him to protect his home. Even if he did attack, Rowdy would just cower down on his back and assume the submissive position which usually stops an attack.

When we introduced them, Niely lunged and growled at him to which he ran and cowered down. Niely too is afraid of other dogs and kept his distance for a while, besides, Niely thinks he's a people and dogs are strange to him. He finally sneaked up on Rowdy doing the sniff test several times, but it took a while for them to start interacting. They finally started sniffing and jumping at one another beginning to play a little. They were still a little stand-offish for the rest of the evening only playing a little bit.

Saturday was nice outside so they spent quite a bit of time outside and got to playing a lot more. Niely has been spending too much time in the house and not getting enough exercise, so Rowdy wore him out before half the day was over. Later in the afternoon I took them outside and Niely would only run a few steps while Rowdy would come up to his face and rare up with his paws then leap up and down, trying to get him to play more, but he was too pooped. Rowdy is so funny to watch when he plays or runs around chasing things!

Niely, to me, never looked to be as big a dog as he really is, until seeing Rowdy up next to him. Niely is over 90lbs while Rowdy is only 26lbs. Quite a difference in size! I would have posted some pictures of them together but I forgot to bring my camera. I'll be taking him back down in two weeks, so maybe I will have some pics of them playing then!

For the most part, the got along pretty well and when we were gone to eat dinner, they spent a lot of time in Katrina (Sarah's daughter) and Chris's room lounging around or chewing on bones or toys. Also when I was gone during the day they spent time in the yard. When Niely get's used to him, I believe the will get along well in the future and become play buddies!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day Thirteen

Went to pick up Rowdy today at about 2PM. He was taking a nap when I arrived and he was happy to see me when I got there. They had him in a pet carrier just like the one he likes to sleep in, so I believe he felt right at home. I was sure relieved to see that he was alright. He, of course, didn't have much zippidy in his doo-da, thus he wasn't feeling too rowdy today. He played a little when we got home but tired easily. I'm glad he's home and I believe he's happy to be home too!

I found out that he is not to get the stitched area wet for 10 days, so no baths until then. I might be calling him stinky! One thing I was surprised to find out was that he will need rabies boosters once a year. Seems like years ago we would get rabies shots for the farm dogs every five years. They told me there was a three year shot but not a five.

When they gave him his distemper a week ago, they gave him a pill that will kill all the live fleas on him within a couple of hours. That pill was called Capstar. There is also another pill that will kill for 30 days called Comfortis. This one works just like and in place of Frontline!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day Twelve

There is no clatter of little paws on the floor, no squeaky toy noise, no crunching of rawhide bones. Rowdy is not with me tonight!

I was supposed to run him by the humane society today, for them to run him to the vet for his rabies shot and deworming. I had forgot and they called me wondering where he was, so I had to run him directly to the vet instead. While I was there they talked me into getting him neutered.

I wasn't going to neuter him at first, as he was not aggressive or a problem around other dogs, but the vet told me it is actually beneficial for his health to do the procedure. He told me that it helps to prevent him from getting a couple of types of cancer and when he gets older it will help prevent his prostate from enlarging, which would make it hard for him to poop!

I felt so bad about leaving him there and there was so many people in the office along with another dog, that he didn't even see me leave. He probably thought I deserted him. Makes me wonder if I made the right decision. I will pick him up at the humane society tomorrow afternoon and anticipate a lot of happy whining from him!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day Eleven

It was too cold to take Rowdy for a walk today, so when the opportunity presented itself we played inside. He brought his rope toy, an eight inch piece of rope knotted at both ends, into the den and shook it fiercely. So I got it away from him and threw it down the hall. He took off after it and brought it back, where I would grab it as he tried to go by me and I would pull and shake it while making growling noises at him. He would pull and growl back until I got it away from him and threw it back down the hall and the whole thing would start over again. We did this for about a half an hour so I think he got his exercise!

We had two bouts for the evening and when we started the second time, he had another one of his chew toys in his mouth when he went after the rope. It was so funny as he tried to pick up the rope toy with the other toy in his mouth. He then brought the toy in his mouth to me, set it down and then ran back and got the rope toy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day Ten

Went to take Rowdy out for a walk today while it was snowing. He was excited like he usually is when I hooked on his leash and then opened the door. He started to shoot out the door till he saw the snow and put the brakes on. Then he was hesitant to go out but went anyway. He still didn't want to get out from under the eves of the house, so I had to tug on the leash to get him moving.

The snow was coming down pretty good, but there was less than an inch on the grass and the streets were relatively clear. Once we got going he took the lead and we went our usual route. He didn't stop near as much and like me, I think he wanted to get around and get back home and out of the snow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day Nine

Sarah gave Rowdy his bath today.  After his toweling off rub down, he shot back and forth the length of the house, running and bouncing, just going nuts.  Before his bath I took him for a quick walk.  We traveled the same distance we usually walk but it was so cold, in the lower thirties, that we jogged part of the way and my face was freezing by the time we got back to the house. 

It started snowing tonight, so he may not be getting any walks for a few days.  Without exercise, he gets a little rambunctious and like to get into things.

I got a plastic bulldog piggy bank that I got from my grandfather years ago, when he worked for Mack Trucks and had it setting on a shelf under a TV.  It's been in the same place all week and Rowdy just noticed it for the first time tonight.  I had to laugh at him as he carefully approached it, sniffing at it, then jumping back away from it as if it had moved. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day Eight

Nothing great happened today.  I fixed a spot in the fence where Rowdy might wiggle through so I wouldn't have to worry about him.  He spent a little more time outside today, as we went into town fro a while without him.  After we got back we took him for a walk.  Except for stopping for a sniff here ane there, he pulls you down the road!

He's so friendly, he'll try any way he can to inch his way up into your lap for a little attention!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day Seven

Unfortunately I didn't have much time to spend with Rowdy today, as I had too much to get done for the day, so the day was pretty uneventful.  Sarah brought him a nice big beef bone and I thought he'd go crazy over it, but after sniffing it, he turned away from it.  We brought it to him several times he would either turn away or run away from it.  This dog needs a psychiatrist!  I don't know any dog that wouldn't go nuts over this bone.  I started calling it the Voodoo Bone!

When we sat on the couch to watch a movie, he would try to lovingly inch his way up into our laps for attention.  We petted him for a while and then had to force him to stay off.  He kept pushing his luck until I got the Voodoo Bone and then he stayed down and went into his cage.  I kept telling him if he wouldn't mind me, I'd get him with the Voodoo Bone!  I said I'd chase him around the house going "Boogity, boogity, boogity!"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day Six

Today, the little 'butt' got on my nerves.  I had a lot to do today, so I could not give him as much attention as I have had the other days.  I had to go to Lowe's to get a couple of bags of concrete mix to make a ground latch for my double gate at the house, so the ignorant utility meter readers can get it latched right.  Every time they have been in the back yard they haven't latched it properly and it blows open.  I can't risk Rowdy getting out and running down to the highway which is only five houses away.  With a pipe hole cemented in the ground the latch will work easier and maybe they will get it latched properly.

Now back to the Mutt!  The first thing he did was barf up in the car while I was in Lowe's.  At least it was on the towel again, but since there was no vehicle motion, I don't understand why he threw up.  I thought he was getting used to riding in the car.  I've also left him alone at the shop before and alone in the car and he didn't puke then.  Also he didn't seem to be nervous and just laid in the seat while I was driving, so I wouldn't of thought he'd puke!  Next time, he's gonna get left in the shop until I get back! 

The next thing was that I wanted him to be outside while I worked on the cement job.  Because I had to have the gate open, I tied him with the leash to the deck, leaving about 10 feet of slack so he could move around.  Then I caught him chewing on the leash strap, so I told him 'no', took the leash away and got his rawhide chew stick to chew on instead.  He chewed on the stick for a little bit, but after I had worked some more, I noticed he was chewing on the leash again.  Told him 'no' again and pulled it away from him.  Went back to work and in a little while, I saw him chewing on it again!  So I decided to just shorten it all the way up and found that he had almost chewed the cord in two.  Now I'm pissed, because this is one of those fancy retractable ones that aren't cheap, so I popped him a good one and put him in an old garage building and left him in there until I was finished with the job.  After that I let him out and reassured him that he was still my pal.  After fixing the leash, I took him for a walk, which he enjoyed.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day Five

Up until today, Rowdy ignored the toys Sarah bought him.  When I put him in the back yard this afternoon, he was jumping up and down like he wanted to play so I got a ball and pitched it across the back yard and he took off after it.  He brought it back almost to me but not all the way.  All further pitches were only returned to about 10 to 15 feet away and he would lay down and chew on the ball.

I tried to get him to bring it to me but he just laid there.  I would go to get it and he either got up and run away with it or not let it go for a few seconds.  I would bring it back to home base and he would follow and sometimes jump at it until I threw it again.  The last time I went to get it, he wouldn't let it go.  His teeth had punctured it and he was hanging on for dear life, as I shook it in his mouth.  As I pulled and shook it, I would growl at him and he started returning the growl back.  It took a while to pry it from his mouth!

He looked so funny when he would chase the ball, then get the ball and take off running, dropping the ball and chasing after it again, circling it until he got a hold of it again.  I laughed at him several times watching him chase it with his little body bouncing up and down and his ears flopping.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day Four

This morning Rowdy didn't want to come out of his cage.  Usually he steps right out to greet me when I open the door, but I had to motivate him to get him out of there.  I thing he's starting to enjoy his lazy in-activities in his new home.  Silly dog!

Left Rowdy in the shop for an hour and a half, while a friend and I went to lunch and to the hardware store.  He seemed to do just fine though I know he had to be whining a little while I was gone.  When I got back I took him for a walk in the park and I could tell he was having a blast taking in and the new sights and sounds.

I then took him to the humane society to see about getting his shots.  The ladies there just loved him and thought he was so cute.  He got his distemper booster and scheduled his rabies shot and deworming for Wednesday of next week.

Several people today remarked that they think he is part Basset Hound.  That does fit his body type and especially his front legs which are turned in at the knees.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day Three

Took him to work for the first time today.  He enjoyed greeting customers that came in the shop.  Dad came by for a couple of minutes and after giving him some attention, he left and Rowdy whined for him for a little while.  He had been Rowdy's master for the last several months and Rowdy was missing him. 

He spent most of the time on the little carpet pad I provided for him, chewing on his rawhide stick or napping.  By the end of the day he just napped and ignored the last several customers that came in.

While driving in the car around town, he puked on the seat unexpectedly.  Good thing I had him on a towel, so it didn't get on the seat.  I was taking him to see about getting his shots but the place was closed.  I'll take him tomorrow.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day Two

Today was relatively uneventful.  Last night Rowdy slept in the carrier without incident.  I believe he likes it in there, as he would return when he wanted to nap today.  I still noticed some fleas on him so I had him ride along to the store to get some of that once a month flea and tick killer.  Other than wanting to stand on my lap while I was driving, he rode well in the car.  I had to scoot him over to the passenger seat several times and when we went through the drive-thru at Braum's, he wanted to greet the attendant too.

I took him for his first walk on a leash and he did pretty well.  He did try to stop and smell the roses frequently though.  There was one area that there was a couple of big dogs in the yard barking at him and he didn't want to pass by so we took a longer way around them.  I would have drug him past them, but I wanted to get him used to and enjoy the walks before I have to force him to go past these obstacles.

I put him in the back yard for a little while and set his food and water out there with him and he finally ate, so that was a relief.  Tomorrow he goes to work with me, so I'll see how he does at the shop.  I've also got to make arrangements for his shots and other stuff.  I noticed more fleas so I'm going to see if I can get him dipped also!

When he was at the farm, he loved to chew on sticks so I got him a rawhide stick and he went to town on it.  Notice he likes to lay with his hind legs out behind him, funny dog!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our First Evening Together

January 1st. 2011, New Years Day, I picked up Rowdy from my folks this afternoon.  It's the first time I've owned a dog since I was a kid.  I've always lived in apartments or homes without a fenced yard or had been going somewhere all the time, so I never really could take on the responsibility of a dog, though I've longed to have one.  I've usually enjoyed other peoples dogs or my folk's dogs on the farm and had let that fill my dog needs.

Now I've got a new companion!  He's kind of an ugly mutt, a stray that showed up at the farm, but he's got a personality that endures everyone to him, including me.  We think he's close to a year old, but still has a lot of puppy in him.  I had been considering taking him for a couple of months and now since I've had this home with a fenced yard in town the last three years, I could take on a dog, so today I did.  I got a feeling that I will have some interesting and funny stories about him in the coming months, especially with his personality.  I had suggested they name him Rowdy, but they had named him Short-stop instead, because of his short legs and long body and I think he's part Dachshund.  He might possibly be part Pointer as I've seen him take set with his paw raised and his tail straight behind him, but he's definitely all mutt.  I've renamed him Rowdy though, as I believe that fits his personality much better!

So tonight we spent our first afternoon and evening together.  It started with locking him in the back yard while Sarah (my girlfriend) and I went to the store to get some basic supplies; dog food, flea and tick dog shampoo, a leash, some chew toys and some rawhide bones and snacks.  I had a collar and went to my shop and fashioned a dog tag with his name and my phone number on it, in case he gets away or lost.

Soon as we got back, we brought him in the house for a while.  We followed him around and watched him investigate his new surroundings and of course in the bedroom he thought he should mark his territory.  He lifted his leg by the doorway and I hollered "NO!"  He immediately cowed down and did not pee either, whew, disaster avoided this time!  My mother had trained him to respond to the 'no' command and he obeyed, so we rushed him back outside and let him go out there a couple of times before bringing him back in.

Then Sarah gave him his first bath and I expected him to go ape, but he took it quite well.  From running around on the farm, he was quite dirty and turned the water in the tub brown.  He enjoyed the rubdown while drying him off and he was his happy-go-lucky self again!  As we interacted with him for the next hour, we noticed some more fleas on him.  We had also forgot to get some pee pads from the store, so while Sarah went back to the store to get them, I gave him another bath with the flea and tick shampoo.  Still noticed some fleas later, but I think we will get him something to kill them instead of another bath the next few days, which may also give the shampoo time to work a little more.

Sarah also bought me a pet carrier cage, so I can put him in over night and won't have to worry about him crapping and whizzing all over the house.  He had a snack bone and jerky treat, but turned his nose up at the dog food.  I hope he will eat tomorrow after he gets used to his new surroundings.  Sarah had to go home early because she had to work tomorrow, so Rowdy sacked out all evening while I watched TV and wrote this post.  He was plum tuckered out over the fear and excitement of a new place!