Saturday, March 26, 2011

Excited to Arrive

This is our weekend to go visit Sarah and Niely and it's almost an hours drive one way.  Rowdy sat up a lot more this trip, looking out the windows of the car.  Sometimes in the past this would signal that it's time to puke, but this time he was just taking in the scenery.  Most of the time he sleeps on the seat while riding, so it was unusual for him to be up so much.

Well, he was sitting up when I turned on to the street where they live and he apparently recognized their house and started jumping up and down on the seat while whining his excitement at arriving there.  He has never done that before and I wouldn't think he could recognize their house or even where we were, especially since he's only been there a few times.  My guess is that he has an extremely strong sense of smell and could smell Niely's scent from their yard.

He about climed all over me to get out of the car so he could go into the house and greet everyone.  Crazy dog!

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