Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Instigator's at it again!

When we get home from work, Rowdy always heads for the back door to go into the yard to do his business.  Well, today when I let him out, he made a bee line for the neighbors fence and at their two dogs.  They tend to go nuts when he gets close to them and he was just taunting them by running up and down the fence at them.  He'd run at them and then turn around and run around in circles in front of them.  Then he'd take off and run a large circle around a storage building and around the yard and then back at the other dogs.  I swear that if he could talk he'd be going "Yippeee, ha, ha, ha, ha, yippee, he, he, he, he!" while he's tearing across the yard! 

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