Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day Twelve

There is no clatter of little paws on the floor, no squeaky toy noise, no crunching of rawhide bones. Rowdy is not with me tonight!

I was supposed to run him by the humane society today, for them to run him to the vet for his rabies shot and deworming. I had forgot and they called me wondering where he was, so I had to run him directly to the vet instead. While I was there they talked me into getting him neutered.

I wasn't going to neuter him at first, as he was not aggressive or a problem around other dogs, but the vet told me it is actually beneficial for his health to do the procedure. He told me that it helps to prevent him from getting a couple of types of cancer and when he gets older it will help prevent his prostate from enlarging, which would make it hard for him to poop!

I felt so bad about leaving him there and there was so many people in the office along with another dog, that he didn't even see me leave. He probably thought I deserted him. Makes me wonder if I made the right decision. I will pick him up at the humane society tomorrow afternoon and anticipate a lot of happy whining from him!

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