Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day Two

Today was relatively uneventful.  Last night Rowdy slept in the carrier without incident.  I believe he likes it in there, as he would return when he wanted to nap today.  I still noticed some fleas on him so I had him ride along to the store to get some of that once a month flea and tick killer.  Other than wanting to stand on my lap while I was driving, he rode well in the car.  I had to scoot him over to the passenger seat several times and when we went through the drive-thru at Braum's, he wanted to greet the attendant too.

I took him for his first walk on a leash and he did pretty well.  He did try to stop and smell the roses frequently though.  There was one area that there was a couple of big dogs in the yard barking at him and he didn't want to pass by so we took a longer way around them.  I would have drug him past them, but I wanted to get him used to and enjoy the walks before I have to force him to go past these obstacles.

I put him in the back yard for a little while and set his food and water out there with him and he finally ate, so that was a relief.  Tomorrow he goes to work with me, so I'll see how he does at the shop.  I've also got to make arrangements for his shots and other stuff.  I noticed more fleas so I'm going to see if I can get him dipped also!

When he was at the farm, he loved to chew on sticks so I got him a rawhide stick and he went to town on it.  Notice he likes to lay with his hind legs out behind him, funny dog!

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