Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day Five

Up until today, Rowdy ignored the toys Sarah bought him.  When I put him in the back yard this afternoon, he was jumping up and down like he wanted to play so I got a ball and pitched it across the back yard and he took off after it.  He brought it back almost to me but not all the way.  All further pitches were only returned to about 10 to 15 feet away and he would lay down and chew on the ball.

I tried to get him to bring it to me but he just laid there.  I would go to get it and he either got up and run away with it or not let it go for a few seconds.  I would bring it back to home base and he would follow and sometimes jump at it until I threw it again.  The last time I went to get it, he wouldn't let it go.  His teeth had punctured it and he was hanging on for dear life, as I shook it in his mouth.  As I pulled and shook it, I would growl at him and he started returning the growl back.  It took a while to pry it from his mouth!

He looked so funny when he would chase the ball, then get the ball and take off running, dropping the ball and chasing after it again, circling it until he got a hold of it again.  I laughed at him several times watching him chase it with his little body bouncing up and down and his ears flopping.

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