Friday, January 7, 2011

Day Seven

Unfortunately I didn't have much time to spend with Rowdy today, as I had too much to get done for the day, so the day was pretty uneventful.  Sarah brought him a nice big beef bone and I thought he'd go crazy over it, but after sniffing it, he turned away from it.  We brought it to him several times he would either turn away or run away from it.  This dog needs a psychiatrist!  I don't know any dog that wouldn't go nuts over this bone.  I started calling it the Voodoo Bone!

When we sat on the couch to watch a movie, he would try to lovingly inch his way up into our laps for attention.  We petted him for a while and then had to force him to stay off.  He kept pushing his luck until I got the Voodoo Bone and then he stayed down and went into his cage.  I kept telling him if he wouldn't mind me, I'd get him with the Voodoo Bone!  I said I'd chase him around the house going "Boogity, boogity, boogity!"

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