Sunday, January 16, 2011

Road Trip

This weekend I took Rowdy with me to Sarah's house. She lives about an hour away and he rode just fine all the way down and back. He snoozed most of the time in the car seat, only occasionally waking up during sharp turns or stops.

It was going to be interesting introducing him to their dog Niely. I knew Rowdy wouldn't be a problem, as he's friendly to everyone and everything, but I thought Niely might be territorial and want to attack him to protect his home. Even if he did attack, Rowdy would just cower down on his back and assume the submissive position which usually stops an attack.

When we introduced them, Niely lunged and growled at him to which he ran and cowered down. Niely too is afraid of other dogs and kept his distance for a while, besides, Niely thinks he's a people and dogs are strange to him. He finally sneaked up on Rowdy doing the sniff test several times, but it took a while for them to start interacting. They finally started sniffing and jumping at one another beginning to play a little. They were still a little stand-offish for the rest of the evening only playing a little bit.

Saturday was nice outside so they spent quite a bit of time outside and got to playing a lot more. Niely has been spending too much time in the house and not getting enough exercise, so Rowdy wore him out before half the day was over. Later in the afternoon I took them outside and Niely would only run a few steps while Rowdy would come up to his face and rare up with his paws then leap up and down, trying to get him to play more, but he was too pooped. Rowdy is so funny to watch when he plays or runs around chasing things!

Niely, to me, never looked to be as big a dog as he really is, until seeing Rowdy up next to him. Niely is over 90lbs while Rowdy is only 26lbs. Quite a difference in size! I would have posted some pictures of them together but I forgot to bring my camera. I'll be taking him back down in two weeks, so maybe I will have some pics of them playing then!

For the most part, the got along pretty well and when we were gone to eat dinner, they spent a lot of time in Katrina (Sarah's daughter) and Chris's room lounging around or chewing on bones or toys. Also when I was gone during the day they spent time in the yard. When Niely get's used to him, I believe the will get along well in the future and become play buddies!

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