Sunday, February 6, 2011


Depending on Rowdy's looks or behavior, I've come up with some nicknames for him at the appropriate times.

It all started when I first met him.  Since he was a stray that showed up at my folk's farm and he first looked like he was part dachshund or weenie dog, I would call him 'Hotdog!'  This went on for the five or so months, before I took him home with me and I only occasionally call him that now.

Next came 'Inch-dog!'  This was because, when I was sitting on the couch, he'd try to worm his way up on my lap by moving an inch at a time, each time I quit petting him.  This has metamorphed into 'Couch Otter' as the way he moves his neck and head, he looks like an otter moving back and forth.

Then I started calling him 'Skitzoid!' (from the word, schizophrenic) whenever he chases his tail, or tears through the house like his butt is on fire, or acts crazy after a bath.

When he gets up after a nap and stretches his body out, sometimes I'll call him 'Stretch!'

And of course, 'Little Shit' comes to mind when he's been bad or getting on my nerves!!!  I think a lot of people refer to their pets with this name, when they're not behaving.  I remember years ago when I lived in an apartment in Tulsa and my neighbor had a cat that got out.  He was standing at the top of the steps yelling, "Get, get back here!  You little shit!"

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