Monday, April 25, 2011

Returned Home

Well we made it home without a hitch, that is no yaking!  It was rainy and nasty all day and Rowdy didn't want to go outside to do his business, but he knew he had to.  After opening the door for him numerous times he finally went out in the rain.  When he came in, I had to towel him off before letting him run around the house. 

This morning while on the way to work, for some reason or another, he laid on the seat on his side and whined like he was injured.  He was holding his tail straight and stiff and shook and whined.  When we got to the shop, I carried him in and put him down on the floor.  Other than fleaing himself around his butt and on his tail, he acted alright the rest of the day.   Maybe a flea was biting him hard on his tail!  I got some more flea and tick medicine for him this weekend and will treat him sometime this week.

He has occasionally been dragging his butt on the floor and did it this morning just before we left.  I haven't noticed any worms but he could have them, or I was told he could be constipated and will need his anal gland expressed.  I've never heard of that before, but I'm going to look into it.  They say a groomer can do that for me (or I should say him, as no groomer is getting near my ass) and he needs his toenails trimmed anyway!

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