Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Little Spastic

I guess with all the thunderstorms that have been going on the last week or so, Rowdy hasn't been getting any exercise.  The last two days when I take him for his walk at noon, he runs to the end of the leash and then back instead of just walking along.  Every time he does that, he chokes himself when he gets to the end of the leash.  I'll be glad when we get better weather!  So will Rowdy!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Funny Just Being Himself

Friday afternoon, I was getting ready to go down to see Sarah, so I said to Rowdy that we were going to see his buddy Niely.  While I was shaving, I turned to look at him and he was laying down with his head on his paws and staring up at me, but his hind legs were still standing.  The front of his body was laying down, while the rear was still up in the air!  He just stayed like that for several minutes not moving or even wagging his tail, which was sticking up in the air also and continued to do so, while I was shaving and until I finished brushing my teeth.  I really wanted to snap a picture of him lying that way, but before I could even think of getting the camera, he moved.  I still got a good laugh anyway! 

He got to go visit his buddy this weekend though and he played up a storm with him.  Niely was so excited when we arrived that he was going berserk at the front door, even before we got out of the car.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

All Riled Up!

This morning when I let Rowdy outside, there was a telephone repair man in the yard marking the phone line so I wouldn't damage it when I was digging in the yard.  Rowdy usually runs up to people to greet them and hopefully get petted, as well as greeting everyone that comes in my shop.  Well something about this guy in 'Rowdy's yard' that was unsettling to him and his hair got ruffled up and he started barking at him.  He ran around on the deck, barking at the guy and and peeing all over the place.  Then he came back over to me and set down and shook while growling and barking.  The way he was acting made me sort of laugh on the inside, while I was trying to talk to the service man.  I never thought so, but he might make a good watch dog, at least to strangers coming to my home!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Beedee Eyed

Something strange that I noticed recently is the way the pupils in Rowdy's eyes dilate when I move close up to him.  I noticed this when I was peering around the corner at him from a distance and he was staring back at me.  He looked like he had little beady eyes, until I moved up close to him and the pupils grew large.  I moved away and then back up close and noticed the change every time.  I thought that maybe my presence created a shadow that blocked some of the light which made them enlarge, so I move around to the other side with my back against the light and moved up on him without creating much of a shadow.  Though not quite as much, his pupils still enlarged upon my moving closer to him.  I found that to be quite peculiar, even though Rowdy is a little peculiar to start with!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sad Doggie

Poor Rowdy, I took him with me on a three hour trip and met up with Sarah.  We went to dinner together so I left Rowdy in the car with the window cracked about three inches open.  A storm came up and the wind blew some rain into the car and on Rowdy.  When I got to the car, he was a bit on the wet side and non too happy.  I couldn't help but laugh at him because he looked like a teary eyed little boy with his lower lip sticking way out.  If he could talk I bet he would say 'Why'd you weave me here to gets all wet!'  We had to come back one third of the way home before he returned to somewhat normal.  He spend most of the drive back lying in the seat curled up.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Playing With The Customers

Today a lady came in the shop with a little boy who was probably around 8 years old.  While she and I were talking about her potential repair, he was playing with Rowdy while he was still up on the counter.  He had Rowdy jumping up and down on the counter bantering with him.  I finally had to put Rowdy down on the floor behind the counter, as he was creating too much of a distraction.  It was funny to watch though!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Poop-ed Pup-ed

Rowdy had a busy weekend this week.  First he got to go down and visit Niely again.  When we arived, he started whining when he recognized the house, and after I said enthusiastically, "We're here!" he jumped up and down on the seat making short noises that reminded me of a chimpanzee, jumping up and down making that ou, ou, ou noise. 

After a day and a couple of nights with Niely, we left and went up to the farm, where he originally came into our lives as a stray, and we visited with my parents.  I made a Mothers Day card from him with his paw print on the inside to give to my mother.  She got a big kick out of it too.  After spending the afternoon there, we finally returned home at about 5PM.  He spent most of the rest of the evening sacked out on his pillow bed.  The poor pooped pup!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bath Night

Thursday night is always bath night for Rowdy and tonight was no different.  Usually I talk to him in a pleasant tone of voice constantly as I'm bathing him.  Tonight I did something different.  As I've said in a previous posting, before I took Rowdy to be my dog, my parents had him as he was a stray that showed up on their farm.  I used to call him my 'hot dog' whenever I went over to visit.  Well on the radio on the comedy channel, I heard this song that I had stuck in my head, about what ingredients are in a hot dog.

The chorus line in the song says, What's in my hot dog? What's in my hot dog? What's in my hot dog?  I'd really like to know!  So that's what I was singing to Rowdy while he was getting his bath tonight.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Same Ole-Same Ole

Not much exciting has been happening with Rowdy.  Though he sometimes has a way with looking at you that makes you burst out with laughter.  I've been trying to get a few pics of him when he looks like that, but he moves away too quickly.

He got his flea and tick treatment today.  I'm trying a different product called Bio-Spot.  We'll see how it works.

Sarah and I went to the Fur Ball last night.  It was for support of the local humane society.  I wanted to take my little 'fur ball' to the ball, but no animals were allowed so I took a picture of him instead.