Sunday, November 16, 2014

Another Trip To The Vet

Last time I took rowdy to the vet, he was having some problems and not feeling well.  So more recently, I have been more in tuned with the way he has been acting or behaving.  He had been showing some signs of a possible problem that I thought might been linked to heartworms. 

Since his last vet visit, he mostly regained his ornery self and was back to the playful dog he was before he got sick, but a couple of times he had got worn out too soon after just a little exercise, by either lying down frequently or excessive panting.  Also he had a skin rash that looked like it could have been mange or ringworm and I wanted to get it checked out.

So, I took him to the vet yesterday and got him checked out.  The vet thought the rash was probably fleas and that he gnawed the spots raw.  I had been treating him for fleas and would check him for them every time I caught him gnawing on himself, but never spotted a flea till the other day.  While he was on my lap and on his back getting a tummy rub, I spotted one flea which quickly disappeared into his fur before I could get it.  It was almost time for his monthly treatment, so I gave it to him the next day.  By the time I got him to the vet, some hair had already started growing back in the spots and it looked like they were healing up.

As for the heartworms, he tested negative, which was a relief.  The vet thought his problems was from a lack of exercise, as I have not been able to take him out for walks very much recently.  He has also gained a few pounds, even though his appetite has decreased some.  Now that I know his heart is okay and strong, I will try to take him for more walks, weather permitting! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Perfect Dog!

I can't believe I started this post in February of 2012 and never finished it.  I have had to deal with a lot of turmoil in my life the last three years, so my postings have been haphazard at best.  It's now November of 2014 and I guess I will complete it.

I have considered Rowdy to be the perfect dog for me.  He has required very little training and is easy to train.  He must have been previously house broken, so I didn't need to train for that.  He doesn't excessively bark at things or people.  He's not aggressive in a mean way, but he is standoffish to strangers if I am not around.  If I leave the gate open, he doesn't run off and usually won't leave the backyard unless I okay it, but excitement, when I am gone and return home, sometimes overrides his judgement and he will shoot out to greet me.  For the most part he is not a problem dog and I seldom have to get on to him for any reason.  He's always eager to go for a walk or ride in the car and he makes a great companion.  He is a very sweet and loving dog and usually likes everybody.  This is why I think he is the perfect dog!

I Missed My Doggie!

In the middle of October, we took a trip that lasted 13 days.  We had to leave our dogs behind and Sarah's daughter and son-in-law took care of them, while we were gone.

This was the first time Rowdy got to see his pal Niely in over a year or so.  They had bought a new house a couple of years ago and when they moved out of Sarah's home, Niely went with them.  I  had only taken Rowdy over there a couple of times, just after they bought it and not again since.

Now for the time we were gone, Rowdy, Wrigley and Niely got to play together.  Unfortunately, I wasn't around to see the reunion of the dogs, but I heard that all went well.  Rowdy seemed to like Sarah's new grand-baby and I was surprised to hear that they got along well.  I wasn't sure how Niely would react to Rowdy being around the baby either, because he is very protective of him, but that turned out alright too.

Though we had a great time on out trip, I sure missed my doggie while we were gone.  The day we were returning, the kids dropped Rowdy and Wrigley off at Sarah's house and they were waiting for us when we got back.  Rowdy was so overexcited to see me, that he whined while jumping up on me and ran around the room with excitement.  I was just as happy to see him too!