Sunday, October 4, 2015

Dog Fight! Dog Fight!

There are usually several dogs around the consignment auction that I occasionally go to and today there was a new one.  It was a black female that looked like part pit bull, but a little leaner and still part puppy.  She still was taller than Rowdy and we first encountered her when we got to the sale in the parking area.  They did the usual sniff each other greeting and then we went on.  The black dog followed us quite a ways into the yard and I finally got annoyed and shooed her away.

A couple of hours later it was lunch time and I had just got my bar-b-que sandwich and a coke.  With the sandwich in one hand and the coke in the other and trying to hold on to Rowdy's leash, I was having a hard time holding everything while trying to pull some napkins for a dispenser.  All the sudden 'growl growl snarl snarl bite bite, you know, the typical dog fighting noises and I looked down and the black dog was back and in a skirmish with Rowdy.

That pissed me off so I kicked at the black dog and stopped the momentary fight and the black dog disappeared off in the crowd.  I was having a hard enough time trying to balance the plate with the sandwich, the coke, Rowdy and get the napkins.  It was a miracle I didn't dump the sandwich on the ground.  I don't know which dog started the fight, so I don't know if Rowdy was being territorial with me, or the other dog jumped him.  Maybe Rowdy found a morsel of food on the ground and the other dog came up just at the wrong time.  Rowdy is hardly ever aggressive except when playing with his buddies and usually darts in and runs away in a playful attitude with other dogs, as he did earlier with this dog.  This is the first real dog fight I have ever seen Rowdy encounter.  He and his buddies get into occasional spats, but they are more of being annoyed with each other and are nothing like this. 

We went over to a flatbed trailer that was a few feet away and I set my food down, put Rowdy up on the deck and I sat on the deck and ate my lunch without further incident.  Rowdy wasn't the slightest bit shook up and everything was back to normal with him begging me for a bite of my food.  Yeah, he got a taste.   

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