Thursday, January 28, 2021

What Are You Doing On The Bed?

So Rowdy usually isn't allowed on the bed unless I let him up, like whenever there is a storm and he gets scared.  Occasionally, he will sit beside the bed and stare at me with those puppy dog eyes and I will put his blanket up on the bed and let him spend the night there.  If I leave the house and forget to close the bedroom door, he will get on the bed without permission and lay where I sleep, or on top of my pajamas.  I have caught him at it several times, whenever I enter the door and he comes from the direction of the bedroom.  I will run down to the bedroom and feel for the warm spot, where he had just been laying.  

Recently, he started a new trend.  Occasionally, when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, he will bet up off of his blanket and jump up on the bed and lay in my spot.  Many nights, he will get up off of his blanket sometime in the middle of the night and go lay on the couch.  Then sometime before morning he will return to his blanket and be there when it is time to get up.  

So the first time I caught him at this, I had went to the bathroom and when I cam back into the room, I didn't see him on the blanket so I assumed he was down on the couch.  There is a nightlight in a wall receptacle, down low that illuminates his blanket, but you can't really see the top of the bed very well.  The color of his hair match the sheets on the bed, so I didn't see him there and almost laid right on top of him.  I flipped on the light and told him to get down several times, before he reluctantly got off the bed and back to his blanket.

A couple of nights later he did the same thing and I looked closely and spotted him on the bed this time.  Instead of trying to coax him off, I simple grabbed him by the feet, picked him up upside down and set him on his blanket.  A few days later he repeated this again and I responded in the same way.  After this he stopped doing this for a couple of weeks, that is until last night.  After returning from the bathroom, I didn't see him on the floor and proceeded to lie down, right on top of him again.  This time, I jumped up, turned on the light and he got a pop on the rear and scolded to get down.  He quickly got down and that was that, at least for last night.

I'm wondering what will happen in the next few nights now!





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