Wednesday, April 5, 2017


It was the cutest thing; I was sitting on the couch and Rowdy was lying beside me on his back with his head on my lap.  I had a song on YouTube that I was replaying over and over and singing along with it, while reading the lyrics and learning the song.  While I was singing, I was tapping my foot and bouncing my leg along with stroking Rowdy's chest with my hand.

I started feeling a rumble in his chest and I thought he was snoring, but now I think he was growling in his sleep.  As I was singing along, all the sudden he went "Woof!"  It was a startled type of bark, like he was barking at someone at the door.  I looked down expecting him to be wide eyed wanting to jump up and bark again, but he was fast asleep.  So he loudly barked one time in his sleep and it was so cute!  First time I ever seen him do that, other than very muffled woofs.  I wonder if singing along with the song stirred up his dream, sort of like when you are dreaming and certain noises become part of the dream.  

Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Wide Berth

The last time I took Rowdy with me to see Doc (my Chiropractor) when we left the office, he naturally took a left turn out the door, to take his usual walk around downtown.  This covers an area of two square blocks thru the downtown business district.  The cars are parked diagonally along the streets and there is a wide sidewalk which butts right up to the business fronts in this area.  He loves to go for a walk around here and check the sights and smells and to send and check his Pmail. 

As we rounded the corner from the end of the first block, I noticed about a half block ahead, there was a cat lying curled upright in front of one of the cars.  I told Rowdy in a slightly whispered voice to "Get the cat!"  He immediately perked up and noticed the cat, as I repeated the get the cat phrase several times.  The cat never moved from his spot and just watched us as we went by.  Instead of Rowdy getting after the cat, he just made a wide berth around the cat against the building fronts and then went on down the sidewalk.  I guess he only wants to chase something that runs away from him.  I laughed and said to him, "Chicken dog!"