Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A More Human Trait

Even though Rowdy does all the things dogs normally do to show affection, like jump up, wag his tail, rub up against you, roll over on his back, lick you and loves to be petted, he does something else a bit unusual.  He does what I would call 'hugs you!' 

Now I don't mean this in the sense of reaching up with his paws and trying to wrap them around me with an embrace, but instead, he will lean his head sideways against me with some force and hold it there while still taking in the affection I am giving him.  Usually he will do this when I am sitting on the couch and he comes up between my legs for attention and will press his head up against one of my legs, with what I would call an affectionate embrace.  That's why I call it a hug!

Another thing is what he does is with his paws.  Though he will do it occasionally at other times, he usually does this when he sits up on his haunches or two legs for me to rub his chest.  While I am doing this, he will place his paws on my hand and then pick them up and touch my hand over and over again, in a movement that resembles someone reaching out to take or hold your hand.  This movement is different that when he shakes hands or 'gives me five!'

Though I have been around many other dogs in my life, I have never encountered this type of affection from a dog.  The closest thing was one Sheppard cross that would push up against me to be petted, but that was pushing it's whole body and not just a part of it, as with Rowdy.

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