Monday, June 30, 2014

Google Sucks

This rant is not about Rowdy, but about the way Google wants to link accounts and why I haven't made very many posts for a while!

Because Google downloads cookies that automatically tries to link accounts, it makes it difficult to go from one Google owned site to another.  Between Facebook, Youtube, Blogger, Yahoo email and Google email, I have different usernames and accounts.  I DO NOT want to link the accounts with one another and wish to keep them separate.  And when I log-out the wrong username for that site and log-in with the correct one, Google's cookies change all of my log-ins to that one and now I have to go through the process over and over again, sometimes with difficulity!

I don't mind Google offering a link to link sites together, if other people wish to do that, but I don't want them to assume that I want to do that and automatically do it.  If I wish to link an account with another or provide a link in my blog, that's my business, not Google's. 

So, even though I have had some interesting and funny things to post about Rowdy, they have gone unposted, thanks to Google!

My message to Google; How about you keep things simple and stay out of other peoples business!

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