Saturday, January 12, 2013

Nightmares and Smoke Detectors

This particular evening, Rowdy was having nightmares while he was asleep on his pillow-bed down in the den.  He was really twitching, growling and what I consider to be bark-yipping in his sleep.  He was doing this more than usual, so I woke him up out of it.

He sleeps in a dog carrier for his bed and later, after we went to bed, it was about 2AM and I felt something move on my bed.  I woke up and found him lying on my bed, right up by my face, licking his chops.  I wondered why he was on the bed, because I rarely allow him up there and only tolerate him just putting his paws up on the edge and greeting me sometimes.  But here he was, not only laying on the bed, but right up in my face and then I heard it, the smoke detector low battery chirp.

We both got up and he didn't want to go back into his bed and I also thought that when he excessively licks his chops, he is close to throwing up, so I let him outside for a minute or two.  During that time the alarm quit chirping, so after I let him back in, we went back to our respective beds and went back to sleep.  Not too long after that, Rowdy was back up on my bed, this time lying beside me.  I heard the chirping of the smoke detector again and every time it chirped, Rowdy would jump, tremble and lick his chops.  I didn't help things much by teasing him, grabbing him and telling him, "It's gonna get you!"  Of course I got tickled at the whole episode and laughed at him for being such a cute little chicken dog.  I don't know why the occasional chirping scared him, but the alarm was in the hallway right above where his bed is.

Anyway, I got up, changed the battery and we both went back to bed without further incident.   

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