Monday, April 9, 2012

Tragedy Averted

Rowdy almost lost one of his buddies last week.  His friend Niely had gone out into the yard to retrieve a steak bone and came inside and jumped up on the bed.  Either when jumping up or while chewing on it, he got it lodged in his throat.  His momma Katrina was busy in the kitchen and his daddy Chris was out mowing the lawn.  When Chris came in, he found Niely sprawled out on the bed with the life drifting out of his eyes.  He managed to get the bone out and after some chest compressions, Niely came back to life.  Niely was badly traumatized by the ordeal and has not slept well for a week, but is now starting to calm back down a bit.  WHEW!  Tragedy averted!

When Katrina and Chris found Niely, he was a tiny puppy that had nearly starved to death.  They managed to bring him back to health, but I think the abandonment from a previous owner and starvation had a profound effect on him and this episode may have mentally brought him back to those feelings.

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