Sunday, April 15, 2012

Waiving His Flag

After the neighbors dog had her puppies and after they got old enough, they would run around the yard and occasionally come up to my fence for attention.  Rowdy is always interested in the puppies and would like to play, but can't because of the fence.  However, he does raise his tail up high in a slight curl and the longer hair sticks out away from the tail, like he is waving his flag as he is running along the fence and saying 'notice me!'

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Watch Where You're Going!

Since I have recently been doing a lot of work in the back yard, Rowdy has been following me in and out of the house, usually darting past me when I go through the door.  This time when I opened the storm door, the main door was shut, but Rowdy tried to run past me anyway and ran nose first into the door.  I didn't hurt him any and it sure stopped him in his tracks, but I did get a little snicker out of it.  Some animals are just funny being themselves!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tragedy Averted

Rowdy almost lost one of his buddies last week.  His friend Niely had gone out into the yard to retrieve a steak bone and came inside and jumped up on the bed.  Either when jumping up or while chewing on it, he got it lodged in his throat.  His momma Katrina was busy in the kitchen and his daddy Chris was out mowing the lawn.  When Chris came in, he found Niely sprawled out on the bed with the life drifting out of his eyes.  He managed to get the bone out and after some chest compressions, Niely came back to life.  Niely was badly traumatized by the ordeal and has not slept well for a week, but is now starting to calm back down a bit.  WHEW!  Tragedy averted!

When Katrina and Chris found Niely, he was a tiny puppy that had nearly starved to death.  They managed to bring him back to health, but I think the abandonment from a previous owner and starvation had a profound effect on him and this episode may have mentally brought him back to those feelings.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4th Times A Charm

My schedule hasn't allowed me to make an appointment for Rowdy to get his rabies vaccination.  His year was up back in January, but I haven't tried to get him to the vet until now.  It took four times of stopping by when I had him in the car and a vet was available to give him the shot, but finally got him in.  This time I got the three year shot, so I won't have to take him back yearly.  The single three year shot was cheaper than three one year shots and it will save the gas and time taking him back two more times!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Walking On Egg Shells

I got tickled at Rowdy the other day.  We have been having heavy rain for several days and there is water standing in the yard.  Rowdy"s spoiled and doesn't like the wet outside, so I had to force him to go out to do his business.  Reluctantly, he slowly proceeded out in the yard, so carefully taking each step that he looked like he was walking on egg shells, or maybe even navigating a mine field!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Woof, woof, woof, woof!

This evening I was watching the show about previous Superbowl commercials and they showed a commercial of barking dogs, that were barking the theme to StarWars.  It immediately got Rowdy's attention and with his ears perked up, he watched and listened intently.  I thought I'd get him excited by saying "Get-um Rowdy, Get-um!"  And half expected him to get up an bark or howl or something, but he just lay there and watched until it was over.  Maybe he already had enough excitement for the day!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The dog's OUT!

Last Wednesday, I took Rowdy with me to an Auction.  He of course had a good time jumping up an anybody who would give him attention.  For a while, I had picked him up and held him under one arm, while they were selling a couple of items that I was interested in.  Someone hollered out "It's the dog's bid!"  With that, the auctioneer announced, "NO, the dog's out.  I've got the bid over here!"  as he pointed to another guy and everybody laughed.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

You Stink! No, YOU Stink!

Something I neglected to post, a while back!

A few months ago we were on our way down to Sarah's house and on the way down, an extremely foul order filled the car.  Rowdy was lying curled up on the seat and as I looked down at him, he simultaneously lifted his head up on the center console and looked up at me.  I said, "Pew!  Did you do that?"  The look in Rowdy's eyes said to me, 'Did YOU do that?'  I started laughing so hard at him because every time I looked down at him looking up at me, his expression seemed to change his story.  It was like he was saying everything from 'You stink!' to 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!'