Friday, December 30, 2011

Darn-it, I Broke A Nail!

I had to haul some stuff out to the farm today and took Rowdy with me.  While I was unloading the trailer, I let him run around off the leash.  I wasn't worried because this was his home before I got him, so he was in familiar territory and I wasn't concerned that he would run off. 

When it was time to leave, I noticed he was limping and thought it was on his hind leg.  After he got in the car I noticed why he was limping, he had broken one of his claws on his left front foot and it was hanging sideways.  When we got home I clipped it back a little, but he put up a fuss and yelped a lot so I will have to wait until it grows out some more before I can clip the bad part completely off.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our First Christmas

Well' I've had Rowdy for almost a year now, as I initially got him on January 1st., so this is the first Christmas we actually spent together, even though I'd seen him and petted him last Xmas.  Boy did he have a good time.  We first celebrated at Sarah's home, so he got to play and play and play with his buddies Wrigley and Niely.  He got some nice gifts in his Xmas stocking that Sarah's daughter Katrina make for him.  He got some chew bone treats, some pup-peroni treats, a couple of rope toys, a tennis ball and some other treats.  Then Sarah and I took him and Wrigley to my folks home where they played some more and got to greet a lot of my family.  By days end they were a couple of pooped pups!

Here he is with his Xmas stash!  I had a hard time getting him to pose for this picture.  He wanted to get down and play with Wrigley and Niely.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Little Houdini

I took Rowdy to an auction with me the other day.  He did fine greeting the other bidders and enjoyed walking around the grounds.  I usually just use his collar and a leash when I take him out to do his business, but when I take him someplace where he is on his leash for a while, I will use his harness so he doesn't pull hard and choke himself.  Well today I had his harness on and I was leading him around while looking at the merchandise to be auctioned.

I came across a few used chain saws that I was interested in.  One of them in particular looked like it might be good and I wanted to see if it would run, so I put the leash down on the ground and stood on it so Rowdy wouldn't take off when I attempted to start the saw.  I got it running to check it out and then shut it off, then somebody hollered at me, "Your dog took off!"  I looked down and found the harness empty and Rowdy gone.  He was about fifty feet away, sitting over by a building where he must of thought it was safe.  I don't know how the LS got out of his harness as I didn't even feel him tugging on the leash under my foot, so he must be a reincarnation of Houdini!