Thursday, March 14, 2024

On The Bed, A Permanent Fixture

Ever since I was sick with the covid, recovered and finally moved back home, I have allowed Rowdy up on the bed at night. His blanket that he slept on, on the floor, is now a permanent fixture on the bed and he knows his place whenever he jumps up on the bed. I don't exactly remember when the transition took place, but he now always joins me on the bed at night.

For a while, I still wouldn't allow him up there during any other time, except when we go to bed for the night. So I would shut the bedroom door, when I was away at work, or for other reasons and he would find somewhere else to lay, while I was gone.

Now, Rowdy's age and corresponding aliments, has hampered his ability to jump up on the bed, or even into the car. Now he gets up and puts his paws on the edge, waiting for help to get up. So he is no longer needing permission to get up on the bed. He waits for me to lift him up. It is so cute how he raises up with his paws on the edge waiting for me to lift him up. Then, I simply grab his hind legs and guide him up on the bed. He immediately crosses over and lays on his blanket and I take my spot beside him.

One night, a funny thing happened. Whenever he puts his paws up on the bed, waiting for me to lift him up, I usually ask him if he wants up here and I pat the bed. Fro some reason, on this particular night, he jumped up and I asked him and patted the bed, then he plopped his head over to one side and laid his head sideways on the edge of the bed. It was soooo cute the way he did that, as he sometimes drops his head against you in the same fashion, like a hug.