Sunday, October 4, 2020

A Seat Too Small

 At home, Rowdy always likes to get up on the couch with me, whenever I am either watching a show or on the phone.  Also, sometimes I have to sit up at night, so I will come down to the couch and he will follow.

At the farm, Whenever I am doing the same things, I am sitting in my mother's old recliner, which is not much bigger than I am.  Well, Rowdy still wants to get up there with me and he will jump up on me and try to wiggle himself out a spot that he can lay in.  If I scoot over to one side, he has a narrow trough that he barely fits into.  He seems to have a hard time getting comfortable, but he rather be up there with me, than be on the floor. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Not Feeling Well

This morning, I noticed that Rowdy wasn't following me around the house like he normally does and just stays wherever he is laying down.  I felt his nose and it was hot, indicating he isn't feeling well.  I've seldom ever seen him with a warm or hot nose.  I'll keep an eye on him today and check him frequently to make sure he is okay.  

Update; Later in the afternoon, Rowdy felt much better.  We were out at the farm and he was very excited and running around at full speed, like he had a firecracker taped to his butt and the fuse was lit.  

However, the next day he seemed alright, but that evening his nose was hot again and he acted like he wasn't feeling well again.