Sunday, October 30, 2016

Rowdy Got Himself In Trouble!

Usually Rowdy is a good doggie and never hardly does anything wrong, but the other day he had to backslide and pull some napkins with food stuffs on them out of the trash and tear them up.  I have had to scold him a few times for this before, but he hasn't done it in quite a while.  He did this sometime during the middle of the night or early morning and I found the mess when I got up.  He certainly got an ear full of 'bad doggie' that morning, while I was cleaning up the mess and I was mad at him all day over this.  He even went without his morning meal because I was too pissed to feed him and after his scolding, he was not particularly interested in eating either.  He did however get a little extra food for his evening meal and everything had calmed down by then.  He's now back to good doggie mode.