Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ignoring The Bang

This last holiday weekend was the trip down to Sarah's, which put all three dogs together to play and rough-house.  We decided to take Rowdy and Wrigley with us to the local towns fireworks show.  I thought Rowdy would get scared and go nuts over the noise, as he has ran and hid at loud cracking or popping noises, but other that looking at the bursts and a little short time concern at the bangs, he just laid on the ground and either watched for a few moments or ignored them.  Wrigley on the other hand, sat on Sarah's lap for a while and watched them in fascination.  When Rowdy was focusing on the fireworks, I sat there and wondered what he was thinking about while he watched the display.  OOOooooo and AAAHHH, maybe?

Rowdy got more concerned over the noises after we got home, when the locals were shooting off their fireworks in the neighborhood.  Inside the house, he would jump up and run to look every time there was a bang outside.  I finally took him outside and sat in a chair to watch and Rowdy stuck close to my side.  I finally picked him up and held him in my lap on his back and rubbed his chest and tummy.  The fireworks didn't bother him anymore then!