Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gnawing and Falling

Rowdy was so busy gnawing at a flea, that he wasn't paying attention and his butt slid off the counter quickly followed by the rest of him.  Since he fell on the lobby side of the counter and although I didn't hear him yelp, I went up to see if he was alright.  He was just sitting on the floor looking up at me, with his ears perked up and a WTF look on his face!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Two's Company, Three's a Mad House!

Now that Sarah's got the puppy Wrigley, along with their other dog Niely, and then you throw in Rowdy into the mix and it's a doggie free-for-all!  Poor Rowdy got worked to death, playing with both of the other dogs.  He and Niely would go at it until Niely got tired then Wrigley jumps in to continue the action. 

When Niely and Rowdy go at it, it kind of scares little Wrigley and he stands back until things calm down.  Then when Wrigley and Rowdy go at it, Niely gets miffed and gets standoffish. 

Rowdy had one of Wrigley's little twist bones sticking out of his mouth, that made him look like he was smoking a cigar.  Wrigley would run up and grab the other end and tug and pull on it while he growled at Rowdy.  Rowdy just hung on to it while Wrigley tried his best go get it away from him.  Little Wrigley thinks he's a much bigger dog that he really is!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Microchip And New Playmate

We took Rowdy to the Vet this Saturday and had a ID microchip inserted in his back, just in case he gets lost.  I still have to fill out the information after I receive the info from the Vet's office this coming Tuesday.  I also had him give Rowdy his kennel shot just in case I have to have him boarded when we go on a trip.

Sarah's daughter got her a new puppy this last week and she brought him up for a visit.  Wrigley, (what she named him) is just as cute as all-get-out and after some testy introductions, he got along well with Rowdy.  They played a lot together most of the weekend and wore each other out.  On Saturday after the Vet we took them to Joplin to PetSmart and got Wrigley a harness and Rowdy some snacks.  Then we drove through the tornado damage.  Wow, what a mess!  With all that damage, it was amazing that there weren't a lot more people killed.
Introducing Wrigley!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Just Getting Some Air

With favorable outdoor temperatures now, I have sometimes been driving with the windows rolled down.  It didn't take long for Rowdy to start sticking his head out the window while we are going down the road.  With his nose in the air, he likes to take in all the scents as we go.  The only problem is the wind blowing in his ear bothers him and he doesn't stay out very long. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Leapin' Lizzard!

Though Rowdy enjoys his time up on the counter at the shop, when it's late in the afternoon and about time to go home, he's ready to get off the counter and get out of there.  Whenever he wants up on the counter, he will leap as I lift him up there.  But lately, when I go to pick him up to set him back down on the floor, he's been practically leaping into my arms, jumping off the counter.  The first time he did it I wasn't expecting it and I almost dropped him.  Now I'm ready for him and though he doesn't do it every day, I still get a bit of a chuckle whenever he does leap into my arms!